Monday, October 31, 2005

Friends in need, friends in deeds.

"Let deeds, not words, be your adorning"
Showing love in ways other than words is hard goddamn work. But it is also never more effective at striking bullseye into the hearts of people. Actions weigh more in the fact that they are not passing, they are laid down, they become fact. Words and whispers ride the wind, actions ride your history textbook. it goes down a long way, every deed.
So my message to you will be: open your eye. open your heart. See beyond the words. See the person. See the sincerity. Make your judgement from there. No words are needed now. Just close your eyes and feel that person, holding your hand, never letting go. If you trip, we fall together. and we get up together.
Listen to yourself. Look upon your own deeds. Where your words may come and go, your deeds will make and break. Watch your step, think, and act in the spirit of love. Of sincerity, and kindness. You will know yourself best. And only you are the master of your own deeds and thoughts.
Love is two-way. Someone close to me once told me that there is grace and merit in BOTH knowing how to give, and knowing how to receive. The spirit is essentially the same. Give generously, accept humbly. To give and refuse to receive is denying the love of others. Then there is no love from you to them as well. Love is two-way.
And for you, that special one, you will be remembered in my prayers.

Friday, October 28, 2005

why try?

i just heard this comment today.
"In life, we must try everything to see what it feels like."
this sentence can be held true and false in many many cases....but in this case it was related to trying cigarettes, certain more common drugs etc.
when i heard it, i got so turned off. my mind is straight away "WTF??"
but then, how do you try to convince someone out of it?
"try once only, just wanna try! won't kill you. it's not like i'd get addicted."
so what? so what? so what?
having studied science these years, it's hard to believe that after knowing all the facts, anyone would even want to fill their body with such filth. it's your body! respect the damn's you!!
think about the extent you will be true to the first statement. it's not applicable out of a certain un-settable limit, and is so unstable. will you try cutting yourself? will you try eating shit? will you? try only wat. won't die right? rite...............................................
anyway, enough said. my philosophy in the end is "let them learn by falling"....hopefully not too late by then.
as for me, the body is something very important. sacred and a creation of God. Imagine you got a car. brand new. you treat it better than your wife right? well, my body is like my 'car' to drive in while in this mortal world. my soul, which is the essential 'me', is the driver! so that's why i love it. so you better love yours too.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Making sense of Disasters

Why do disasters happen? in recent times, the cyclone Katrina has devastated New Orleans and caused the lives of so many people. But we can see examples of so many things happening in the last decade. For as long as i can remember, death and destruction has been everywhere. This ungodliness seem rampant.
For those who would not like to see this subject with a God-entity involved, ignore some of the things i say.
The questions that i think about is: Why does God allow disasters to happen? Are these people who die really deserving of death? What are the things we can take out of it?
I, personally, believe that everything that happens is in the hands of God, and that everything happens for a reason. One evident thing to come out of this disaster is that we can see the flaws of the system we have built this society upon. Policemen are authorised to open fire upon looters. Be mindful the circumstances in which these looting are done in. People have not been receiving aid. Many loot to feed their families. What are these Americans, so patriotic in the war against terrorists to protect the beautiful people of America, doing now shooting the civilians they sought to protect?
Why does God allow this to happen? i cannot answer that straight and fairly, because i am not one who has suffered the immense loss of loved ones and property. Therefore i cannot empathise. But sitting here, i think to myself how this seemingly horrific disaster can be viewed in a constructive manner. Natural disasters, to a certain extent, cannot be contained by human means currently. Therefore we can only be victims, and pick up the pieces after the storm has hit.
The lessons to be learnt are plenty. In times of test, true human nature is revealed. and we can see the distinction of a person who degrades to the animalistic self, versus a person who hold strong to his/her spiritual reality. After all, when all is peaceful and nice, everyone can be nice. Only when disaster strikes, then are we able to distinguish the noble and the abased.
Detachment from materialism is taught the hard way. In these circumstances, no matter if you have had a lovely mansion or if you live on the streets, right now everybody needs aid. Needs shelter, needs water. Material possession is only transient, and does not carry authority. Is a person with a larger bank account less likely to die than the beggar on the streets when all is lost? In essence every human being is the same, through and through. Equal in the eyes of God. That which is not maintained by material means, however, shines and lives. Love, compassion, selflessness, these are qualities that the true heroes possess. Such are the things, things that cannot be quantified by material means, that count. And they are also celebrated in times of need. Has anyone praised you for giving up your seat for another? or stopping to pick up litter? it's stupid, it's a waste of time. That is normal society for you. And no-one will feel it's wrong. Truly, in the state of complacency that we are in now, it takes a disaster to awaken us from our dross of self-indulgence.
Why is it that in the state of progress that we are having in the sciences and technology and lifestyle, we are faced also with the seemingly emminent destruction of our society? My thoughts turn to the Bible "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
(King James Bible, John) and it is explained by the next phrase where Christ said "That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit". The true meaning of the purpose and reality of life lies here.

there is more to say, but my brain is switching off. it's time to hear from you.

Monday, September 05, 2005

A Welcome note!

This blog is the brain-child of my intention to create a space where friends can come and discuss issues that don't usually come up in normal daily interactions, but still hold an important place in our hearts or our inquistive minds. So let's get to it!
Before saying anything, i should add that everyone should try to practise some basic courtesy and respect for the opinion of all people appearing in this blog.
The style will be me writing a commentary, or put up some questions, and ppl commenting on it with their thoughts. let there be no flaming. feel free to put up quotes or even pics to illustrate your meaning (if that is possible...i dunno)...
Love to hear from all your you can proceed to pick the brains of others under aseptic conditions. ;)