Thursday, February 23, 2006

Toosh Koosh Bush *Doosh*

Toosh is the wind
that carries my thoughts
Gone in a toosh,
gone with my thoughts.
They leave a trace,
as defined as breadcrumbs.
I search with grace,
still i feel so dumb.
I think a moment,
for a better answer,
while the image of dinner
fades to a colourful blur.
It's hard to believe
that i actually speak english
when vegetable is a 4-syllable
and fiss is a water creature.
Einstein was right on key
when he spoke of stupidity
and i will stop this rhyme
and the torture of your eye.
good bye.

;P this happens when i'm bored.

Monday, February 20, 2006

It's Just a Feeling

I'm Speechless. And the great talkative, full of BS "J to the Win" is for once, utterly speechless. With every email, sms, call, hug, cake, every second spent with me not dota-ing, not studying for a monday exam, baking, cooking, waking up at freaking 9.30am, I am drawn further into jaw-dropping, eye-popping, heart-throbbing speechlessness.
My greatest thanks to all you peeps, I LOVE YOU. freak that's gay, but i had to say it. There you have it. My closet-opener.
My Family.
MouMou, Ann(i wan the brownies), Siying(gd luck!), Elv, PK, WP, Eug, CS, Syl(sorry!), Ling, Eric, Ryan, Kim.
Derrick, Jel, Hendry, Ning, Grace, Shar, Ness, Leonard, Kel, Am, Cindy, Vinh, Prisc, Junni.
Michelle, Ailin & Bobo, Bohan, Chris Wong, Runxuan, Seng, Zheshien, SernKia, even from Mark.
Who else did i not remember? Memory lapse here.

I was surprised. For the Guitar, Boobies, nano, cake, card, le tour de Melbourne, the Super Surprise, the delicious breakky, the more delicious scones, L'oreal, Doraemon, the Electric Mixer, Jamie Oliver, the note, the sms-es, the call, THANK YOU.

I'm don't like S & M, i don't have fake boobs (they are real), dolphins ain't my type, the waitress wasn't that cute anyway, and i'm not sad, not anymore, and promise not to be for a long time.

More starry than the all star weekend was that my weekend is unforgettable. And i did everything i wanted to. and somehow, got everything i wished for.

I shall try to soak up all this and hopefully translate my gratefulness. Pictures next!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

More thoughts on a rainy morning.

Good things are only appreciable when you've got bad things to compare them to, isn't it?
I remember a quote off my postcard-decorated wardrobe door, which i love so much.

"I, the lyrics, need you, the melody, to give life to the music"

In the same way, good things are only good when you've got someone to appreciate them.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Thinking about My Life.

Someone once told me that i was different to other people. Somehow within me, i carried purpose, and i walked foward, never looking back for too long. I inspired, i lead.
That was more than a year ago. I knew that Joon Win. I liked him. Things change. So do people. Some reluctantly, some happily.
So it can be expected that I changed.
'Purpose' used to mean the things i do today that makes a difference tomorrow, the year after, the century after, it was all the same. That drive, that passion, that fulfillment. I lived it. I loved it. It made me smile, no matter what.
'Purpose' now means what's for dinner.

'Dreams' used to mean ambition, hope, happiness, family, love, unity.
'Dreams' now means I slept very well.

'Change' used to always be better. Old trees die, but the spring brings new life every year.
'Change' is now a burden. A getting-used-to again.

But i also know, Now is not Forever. Neither am I.
Tomorrow is just a list of to-dos and other formalities.
Today is the touch of love.
Today is the breath of fresh air.
Today is fulfillment. Today is happiness.
Only today. only today.
Let us start Today. Let us live today.
Let us love today.

May the summer breeze waft change in my life, and let me see the best Me that can be.
God be my strength.