Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Proving Me Wrong

The goals i set for May 2006 are almost complete. My diary is full, I'm 50% less late, and when i'm late the "late time" is less, i'm keeping my wallet in check, and i'm doing things more regularly. and i attended dance!
This month is to piss less people off. and keep my jaw from falling into my soup. and try to burn weimou a couple more times than usual, and try to not panic when pk jumps in front of me. Eat more? learn more recipes ;) esp western stuff. And to sort out money stuff. and dance.
I also need to feel less frightened when i'm in my own home, in front of my computer, downloading p2p. i have nightmares of police busting my doors. oh god.
It's time to prove me wrong, that it's never too late to change. for the better of course.
thanks sher and ann.
Will appreciate all the help i get in this :)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Train station Jazz

I saw your face, in that crowded place,
And i don't know what to do,
cos i'll never be with you.
-James Blunt "Beautiful"-

morning. and i saw her. twist of fate, cruel, funny and interesting all in one twister wrap.
and songs rushing in my head. rushing rushing Bic Runga rushing rushing, something to do with subways and a special girl, rushing rushing oh yeah his name is James Blunt, staring staring into nothing nothing. Bic Runga again. and i smiled.
Maybe i should just count my blessings. And also get street-smart. At least i can look back time and again and never regret not trying.
Suddenly i have this urge to run to the ocean and scream, in ecstacy, in despair, in vain. And smile after that.
I guess we all need one of those, in one of those moments.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

If Only

If only i was as free as him.
if only i had fun like him.
if only exams were history, like for him.
if only i could be him, and lead his life.
if only you were me, then you'll see, you'll see.
I need to see through myself.
and so does everyone.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Trying too hard.

Verses, Proses, my mind is singing,
through crowds foreign, i light a grin.
No end to where i'm going,
to and from the beginning.
Yet paths of legends walk astray
but find their way over again.
To dream, to sing, to fly away.
i catch a star along the way.
To give, to take, a love to share,
a heart to melt, my mind doth tear.
For what is meant to be will be,
my voice leads me to hills a-free.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Housewarming of Flinders Mansion

Yup this is Waaaay overdue, both this post and the housewarming of our lovely new address at Flinders st. Love the location, love the kitchen, hate the noise, but hey, nothing's perfect. Except these beauty queens.------->

So, anyway, the turnout was great, had apologies from important people.
Theme, as you can see, was Gu Dai Shi Jie....
I guess it was hard, but fun as well.
Bravo to all me ladies for turning out in lovely china-china things....hahaha and sorry it was cold...don't blame me.
So Me and Derrick spent a whole week trying to clear all the mess out before it was decently presentable to invite anyone. Especially Friday, the whole day was pretty hellish. But, after turning our bedroom into a nuclear test site, the living room finally looked decent :)
Thanks to all you peeps for coming, cooking, humoring, and entertaining yourselves, thanks DJ HockSeng for the music, and thanks Derr for the very china things we wore. And sorry that some of you saw little of me, it was a little hard to juggle 30 guests, a table full of food, and a sink full of dishes. I'm sure you all will understand. And a bigger thank you for people who sacrificed something to come, like having to hurry from airport, braving the cold to donn the cheong-sam, spending so much time to make food, coming when you have better things to do....THANK YOU.

ok enough of the boring shit. Wanna re-cap how many moles and where they are on good ol' Derr? haha....Or what my numerous fetishes are (that was NOT a real question btw).....
okok don't freak out on me.

Lots of love, yo.
Best part, our place is still the same state. (thank god) yay!

p.s. leaving you with a pic of stunning Melbourne sunset from Mt Dandenong!