Sunday, August 05, 2007

Post-Camp Day Dreaming

I enjoyed camp this year! A few personal challenges, questions and answers have come my way, in their own weird and funny way... but that's who i am ain't it?

Re-lived a love for cooking and how u can like doing hard work if u truly love what you do.
Felt young, felt like i could still live bits of the fun uni life, will hate the days i start to feel like Kel (aka too-old-for-this) But i guess that's life.
Felt alot of love and friendship.
Re-assured everyone around me of my retardedness.

It was nice to see the young and new faces at camp. Before, i felt the same way as many old-timers in flare: what's going on this year? Flare spirit is at it's lowest! But after meeting these new people, i felt again i could hope to see these faces in future, having the passion that we carry like a blaze in our hearts for our beloved Flare family.

Star gazing was cool. We saw two shooting stars, and learnt to find scorpio and the teapot, together with Jupiter and Antares :)

Back to the real world is good but yet unwelcoming. Work greets us. ah well.

i hope everyone else had fun at camp, that maybe i helped made it more fun for all of you! :) will put some pics up later on...too bummed-out now :P

Now i'm sitting here in my room, contemplating all that i want to do. Maybe i'll start by going to Ikea to buy a bloody bed frame (about goddamn time!) and can't wait to get back to normal physical life!

Lyric line of the day:
"ooo i believe in memories, they look so, so pretty when I sleep." ~Jack Johnsn, Better Together.