Monday, February 20, 2006

It's Just a Feeling

I'm Speechless. And the great talkative, full of BS "J to the Win" is for once, utterly speechless. With every email, sms, call, hug, cake, every second spent with me not dota-ing, not studying for a monday exam, baking, cooking, waking up at freaking 9.30am, I am drawn further into jaw-dropping, eye-popping, heart-throbbing speechlessness.
My greatest thanks to all you peeps, I LOVE YOU. freak that's gay, but i had to say it. There you have it. My closet-opener.
My Family.
MouMou, Ann(i wan the brownies), Siying(gd luck!), Elv, PK, WP, Eug, CS, Syl(sorry!), Ling, Eric, Ryan, Kim.
Derrick, Jel, Hendry, Ning, Grace, Shar, Ness, Leonard, Kel, Am, Cindy, Vinh, Prisc, Junni.
Michelle, Ailin & Bobo, Bohan, Chris Wong, Runxuan, Seng, Zheshien, SernKia, even from Mark.
Who else did i not remember? Memory lapse here.

I was surprised. For the Guitar, Boobies, nano, cake, card, le tour de Melbourne, the Super Surprise, the delicious breakky, the more delicious scones, L'oreal, Doraemon, the Electric Mixer, Jamie Oliver, the note, the sms-es, the call, THANK YOU.

I'm don't like S & M, i don't have fake boobs (they are real), dolphins ain't my type, the waitress wasn't that cute anyway, and i'm not sad, not anymore, and promise not to be for a long time.

More starry than the all star weekend was that my weekend is unforgettable. And i did everything i wanted to. and somehow, got everything i wished for.

I shall try to soak up all this and hopefully translate my gratefulness. Pictures next!


tequila~sunrise said...

it's been a long time coming dearie. glad u had a blast. u only deserve the best :) *hugz!

Anonymous said...

mwahaha i'm an ousider!! yeah can rape u!!
