Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Case Study:Ancylostoma canium

Poor pav is the inspiration behind my recollection on parasites lectures. This time it's not human tho, and it is Ancylostoma canium, a.k.a. doggie hookworm.

It's called hookworm cos it has 2 hooks at its mouth and uses it to latch onto the intestinal wall of the dog. It sucks blood and its eggs come out in the poo. Although in the case of Pav the worm itself comes out. and hangs around the hair near her bum. Any suggestions if it's a different worm? any the way, it's scary piece of shit, but it's most likely not infectious to humans, although it may burrow into the skin and cause a minor lesion.

Yesterday i just realized there are many many MANY dead hookworms in my carpet. I'm truly disgusted and freaked out.

Went down to vic market pet shop (thanks ning!) and got her some medicine which pav seemed to enjoy. but she refused to eat after that. Next morning she was fine tho, and her poo so far is not watery, nor is it bloody. Hope she gets well soon. And she's getting cheeky. Running away from me when i wanna scold her! wth. i feel like i'm my mom 10 years ago chasing me around the house with the cane lolz it's karma i guess.


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Вопрос в теме. Ведь нефть качают напрямик из под нас,можно заявить. Нефть эта по сути общая,тк мы все живем на территории РФ,просто у кого другими словами вполне вероятность это делать,а у кого то нет. Так можно ли нам как то получать за это хоть что то? ну,цены сниженные на бензин для "своих" жителей РФ,и поднять на экспорт или же что то такое. Или это верно,что кто на этих скважинах работает то деньги и получает? Надеюсь я верно свою мысль донесла.