Monday, September 18, 2006

Story of a girl

Relationships are bizarre.

It takes time. It takes effort. It takes being sucky at it at first. And you may not see the bright end of the tunnel anytime soon.

But it's there. And maybe i can find it soon.

And i find it amazing how, in this male-dominated world, women possess uncanny power to change men in incredible ways, to twist their world, flip it around, yet eventually, make it all feel just perfect.

How do you cry, without a tear in your eye?
How do you scream, without breaking the silence?
How do you smile, when sorrow fills the air?
How do you love, when people just don't care?

It's tough.

I reckon life is like ice cream.
a) If you just sit and admire it, you will never enjoy it.
b) You're running out of time while it melts away.
c) An ice cream buddy always makes it taste better.
d) you always want to try everything, but have to settle for the best one.
e) Appreciation usually happens at the first bite and when it's all done.

And you know what you say after a great ice cream night? ;p

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Snapshot of my life last week

Last week, Miss Uni Gig happened. Yeah i didn't really know what happened in that week, it just whizzed me by. All i remember is long tiring pracs and alot of "cream of the crop" women. zzz.
Never actually experience being squeezed into a tiny unisex changing room with a horde of women representing the full spectrum of physical beauty.
Sounds good? think again...

Anyway, the flarians got squashed into the male toilet (with urinal), the freaking 15 of us! When i wasn't breathing down somebody's neck, someone was breathing down mine, literally. Plus, we had to eat in a nearby carpark. Damn dodgy! I felt like an illegal immigrant in some underground hideout. And all chinese somemore...

But the performance was smooth and good, and i must say i understood what Bud said about enjoying yourself while performing. Thanks to all the dancers, for supporting each other and having fun and mugging and suffering hunger together!
Best thing that night: Learning to Crump! from this dude, and watching K.O. crew break
Some Photos... send me more please!

After most ppl evacuated. Hair curling In action! L2R: Suz, SuLynn, Diana (behind), Daphne

Me taking a lame mirror photo, capturing my cheesy Grease hair...

But i stood there in my house on Monday, and examined the damage i did to myself. It's a time of reckoning.

And the conclusions are mighty nasty.

Horror #1: I stood on the weighing scale in the morning after i pee, as usual, and OMG I LOST 0.5 POUNDS *&^$@#$% and i realized i have no food at home. Not even Mi Goreng. truly, in flarian spirit, depressing.

SO Jumbo put his Mr. Fix-It hat and went Coles central shopping! And i bought the best high-calorie food i could find:

Food Galore! Up&GO, Fruit on the GO, Yoghurt Topps, Multigrain bread, wasabe peas, and of course Milo malt.

Problem partially solved, as long i actually eat 'em...

Horror #2: Moving on, to my beautiful room, navigating through the Derrick's sea of clothes, finally reaching my own island of laundry...

So, i did laundry....except my dryer became the final resting place of my clean clothes....Mornings involve excavating underwear from the cave of Fischer-and-Paykel.

Well, all in a week's work.

p.s. Damage control! i've cleared all laundry, and washed two more loads! yahoo!

Monday, September 04, 2006

My second new year resolution

Spring is the new year. So i don't care and i shall make new resolutions and change the ones i don't like (aka i can't achieve ;p).

Like Kel, life is about learning to change, changing, learning to accept change. I'm learning to change, but still only beginning to accept change.

For example, what's with grumpy? i only let myself be. Sometimes happiness is not a cover-up of true sadness, but the upliftment from sadness. it's not forgetting sadness, it's destroying sadness. Pucker up and smile, boy.

Resolution of some years back, having to revise: please stop bitching about people and judging them. Like, who the hell am i?!?!

New resolution: Be time-efficient.

Newer resolution: Make sure i keep contact with friends. Especially the few close ones i will soon lose to distance. both in miles and in heart.

Everyone Kambate me!
i insist!


p.s. i never really knew who reads my blog, till i see these ppl flooding my poor cute lil' chatbox. which, btw, is COOL (*pat on the back* job ol' Mr. Tan). So spread the word yo!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Chatterbox commands!

In my chatterbox, use these codes to make your message cool!

To create a link,

Email link,

Bold Text



Moving Text (left or right or alt)
[move left]Text[/move]
[move right]Text[/move]
[move alternate]Text[/move]


Annoying Flying Text
[fly left]Text[/fly]
[fly right]Text[/fly]
[fly up]Text[/fly]
[fly down]Text[/fly]

Blink blink!

have fun!