Friday, October 06, 2006

A long time coming.

Looking back in a turbulent and ever-changing year of my life, i've come to embrace many facades of myself, both good and bad. And i've come to terms with things that go on around me in my life, whereas in the past i am just oblivious to it.
Maybe it's called growing up.
It's me shedding abit of my innocence. A bit of naive-ness. And a bit of child.

Where i was talkative and carefree, i choose what to say and when.
Where i was afraid to speak, i muster the courage to do so.
Where i never said no, i'm hardly saying yes.

And then there's the regression, into a less disciplined, less caring person.

Where i was neat and particular, i'm now messy and unclean.
Where i could give more, i kept more to myself.
Where i could smile, i look away.
Where i asked for kindness, it's left unrepaid.

I'm still caught up in growing up. It'll never end. And i'll never die.

note to self: Repay all kindness owed after Thesis is done. everyone knows who you are, i hope i don't disappoint you.

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