Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Panic-driven Rants

I realized that from the time i pick up the rat until i finished anaesthetizing it, i don't breathe. I hold my breath until my face turns red and hot. Panic attack sia. And still people think i can hold my nerve, especially the last time the sick rat bit me so hard i thought i was gonna break a finger. and i still held on to it. But today the stupid rat tried to run and i lost grip. Plop onto the floor..... didn't lose a limb luckily, but made both him and me edgy.
Speaking of nerves, Pav is really a test of patience. Day one, i shouted at her until my voice turned hoarse. Cos she peed like 4-5 times on carpet, and shit on carpet too....omg. But today (day 2) she was good, pee on newspaper and shit on newspaper too. Except this morning....i woke up and she was beside me at the bed....pick her up and sleep in bed for 5 min...then i went to pee. and she went to pee too. except i walked from bed to toilet. She walked from bed to carpet beside bed. sianz. made me run like hell for train. and i mean like hell, together with illegal crossing of flinders st (which has heavy traffic at freaking 6.30am in the morning). Almost died, twice, the second time while seating in the train with my heart about to burst pumping. I finish one roll of toilet paper in one day cleaning pee.
But it's still a joy to have pav here. finally a pet that interacts. haha. but don't get me wrong, i still love fish and hamsters and terapins and all the weird insect nonsense pets.... including bright blue tarantulas and black scorpions caught from the jungle behind my house. Exotic wink wink. And every fish that died i remember burying it with a tomb, plus family prayers for the mistreated one.
I wanna play ball. I wanna play badminton. I wanna play tennis. And i don't wanna pay. bleh. 9to5 sucks bad, esp when the sun don't last past 5.15pm.
Can't wait till potluck day. Will try jel's cake, which i so totally lusted over, even tho i'm not a sweet tooth.
One question: WHERE CAN I BUY BANANAS? freak. 11.98 a kg at safeway i'd rather buy durian....hmm anyone dare to try durian bread pudding muahaha.
right now, i just want a good weekend. Which i'm not gonna get. zzz. stupid experiment blues.

1 comment:

JeReMiN said...

u slept with her??? so so cute! wish i was there to see. hee. thanks so so much once again. i know shes demanding n whinny n naughty, but at least i know she loves u n wont be too sad. will treat u to a gd dinner when i come back! n what's jel's cake? what potluck? hmmm...