Thursday, June 08, 2006

Progress Report June 2006

Oh man this is shit. I've been late late late late LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
freaking cannot wake up in the morning...i'm totally immune to my alarm clock now, even when i put it under my chest so that the vibration can 'shake' me.....dammit.
But i'm glad to be busy these days. Really really spending my energy on tests me.
I'm like the biggest pirate now in my personal history, with x-men evo and spiderman season 1-5 coming up soon!!! woohoo! and i want a new PC. anybody care to rant to me about many many technical shit about the best budget config?
Shopping soon, wanna get a beanie.
Suddenly there's this surge in my life, that feeling to wash away all the gloominess before, and make you slap yourself in the face for even thinking one second that life is shit, that i'm alone and/or lonely. thanks everybody, lil words and acts make big differences.
More update soon, i think. ;p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If cannot wake up then dun wake up. Just go watch movie wif me la.. I'm damn bored sia.... Home alone at Melbourne now... Just sent my bro back to Msia... Dun everyday only go out wif za bo... You're becoming gay man... Lol