Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Accidental Date

it is funny. yes, ha-ha funny, not weirdo funny. LOL janice and me... can't believe it completely slipped my mind to call up all the biomed buddies for dinner. She put make-up and dressed up lor! omg. i'm a bitch. but anyhow ended up just the two of us. And it reminded me of the times we spent together honours-hunting at the end of third year. She is someone who remembers me and appreciates me as a friend, and will probably try to find me if i ever go back to malaysia...
i'm pretty touched. Bcos we never really hung out. And still today with our little "date", we managed (mostly she managed...i just sit and listen) to keep talking and having a very engaging friendly conversation, of which i learnt some things also.....for 2 hours. Amazing. I respect this friendship. And i respect her.

God bless Janice, you're a good soul. Good things will come your way.

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