Tuesday, March 13, 2007

No Frills, No Thrills, Just Me.

Most people will know i'm a straight guy. Yeah in all aspects. (dumbass..) So as a straight guy, i'm gonna say this....

I like honesty. Both from myself and from others. Don't get me wrong, i believe in diplomacy too. But truth matters more than anything. Truth with a bit of tact.

I want you to come talk to me. I want/need to hear it from you. Don't worry too much. I won't eat you. Like you said, monsters eat people. And you ain't one. Well, neither am I.

In other news, I'm already feeling negative vibes rippling through our community. Thank God for the positives, but nevertheless, let's hear some deep bottom-of-the-heart honesty. You know I love you and will support you, but you have to come clean. With yourself first, then with the ones that matter. There is no room for disunity in our family. Ohana. Means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

And in more news, self-pity is worthless. Okay fine, i'm guilty of a little of that now...but i'm certain it will fade. In fact i'm actively banishing it to the fiery hells. You should too. You have my shoulders (not my back tho...oops.) to lean on. To cry on. To climb on. As I will have yours.

I love you all. I can't dance with you no more. But I will walk with you. I will talk to you. And if you let me, I will hold your hand.

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