Thursday, March 29, 2007

My birthday post!

Aloha peeps! sorry to keep you waiting. And all that emo crap previously, although the muar chinese is DAAAAA best hehehe sorry to you bananas maybe i'll find a funny english thing to put up....

ANYtheway, lots of stuff to blog about! we start with my belated blog post of my many belated birthday celebrations!
First Up, BREAKKY SURPRISE! 2nd time in a row (yes i'm blur.)

The whole surprise gang! 4-5 times more than last year's.

Sleeping pose (except su lynn) Can't expect us not to! $%#!& early.

Dinner at Plume, Doncaster

Pav licked me. At 8 am when i just went to bed at 5am. I woke up blur, looked up and wondered why there's a silent buzz out at my door. The surprise was crazy, all i could say was "holy shit!" and turned away... then i tried to stare hard without glasses to see how many ppl, and there's like massive loads of ppl, some can't even get through the door to take a peek at my embarrassed face! Later when i got up, some ppl still weren't into the excitement... it was like "this corridor is jammed, move it sucker!...oh hi joon." Meticulously (i assume) planned by some mastermind(s), Jel the master mastermind, evilest of of all evil, to join gracey under the evil empire of evilness. Did i mention i love her? to bits? And the lovely peeps of Daph and Di, earliest to awake and cook some lovely pancakes! Jules, arriving early and discovering that Flare ain't too punctual....aiyo these Malaysians/Singaporeans sheesh :P And bringng those muffins. Su Lynn who took a taxi two blocks down, and made nice jelly yumyums kept me belly happy at late hours. Shar and Vinh and the heroic kitchen adventure, turning out lovely scrambles and frieds for us hungry monsters. Shar, especially, for her smile that was kinda magical, in that whole sea of "i'm tired." Yay and hoorah for morning people! Ning, who slept at what 8 pm?! and didn't look a least bit tired! An excited Ning, something i enjoy seeing. Ness and her porridge, serious yumyums. Jo, Am, Kel, simply for waking up after nights of little sleep and/or hangovers and whatnots. Love you, my lil grattan st family. To Caleb and Ian, who greeted me in a most brotherly love fashion :P To Leelee, my dear junior, always there, always happy. Suz, the bundle of smiles. To Bud and Xiaoyun, who had to prepare stuff to eat after tiring pracs hurriedly, and came back and had to listen to me talk and talk. To Junni, whom i'm sure was not there just bcos her cousin was. And last but not least to Rani, grandmaster sexxy. Who, with Evilest of all Evil, baked me a THREE-TIER PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE AND BANANA CAKE. all my favs, soooo thoughtful! esp Jel knows intimately about my banana obsession.... yes it's a little hard, just like me.

Special mention to Sher who i'm sure would have been first through the door if she could. and to mandi who couldn't make it. And to Lee-ean who made it to the dinner afters only. She also wrote me a poem hehe.

Off to Plume, by request cos i wanted a chinese restaurant.Ferried by Jazz club, in Ian's emo-car-of-the-decade. From which developed the running joke "Can i dip my YouTiao into your DouJiang?" :P Shan't comment on the bad things, but one waitress was really cute with her words. kinda sharp, like junni, but i like. Jel says "why do u always have to flirt with the waitress on your birthday dinner?" Maybe it's just me. :P

So anyway, presents! The gang got me this suit and pants from Myer. It's children's size ): but oh wells, that's what I am in Australia. and a nice shirt of light cyan. Also they got me a BUGE card, with pics and wrapped in colored foil, and with cut-out dolphins bearing all the messages from ppl, and the dolphins arranged to say happy 22nd Bday! Again, all my favs.

Me in my Bday Suit.

The dolphin card!

The back of the dolphin card

And that's flare for you, peeps. Always exciting. But that was not the end of it, more surprises recently?!?! But it's like playing cheat lar! it's too belated to not be surprised? lol. okok i risk sounding grumpy and unappreciative. So here's to the next double surprise.

Dinner at Tomodachi was set, even though Mou was sounding retarded when he told me that sher's bday thingy is being called off, but we still gonna have dinner....i was like "screw that, we still gonna get a cake!" I guess he couldn't tell me why. lol. So me and siaowen dandily went to buy a big mud cake for her, which was quite nice actually... but anyway the guys got me a cake too! i think it must be funniest for the waitress to receive two cakes before dinner...they'd be like "which one goes first? who's bday ISSIT?" lol. Guess what, my bday cake featured a bday song-whistling candle! omg wth how did u guys find shit like that? damn farni lar. I got the strawberry gateau cake yumyums ultimate.

Beauty and the Beast. In a nice shirt ;p

The present was the best. Sher thanks so much, it's something I have wanted. Not wanted, but really liked to have :D Plus it's my type of watch, my style. Fossil. Big thanks to everyone who chipped in for it. To Sher, for everything. To Jo, who went with sher. Mou, the 43 i can't live without. And thanks for the 2.5 message on the card. Let's keep the stupid-card-trend up :P Siaowen, who is too good at keeping her mouth zip at times, and too good the other way. To the rest, Eugene, Runxuan, Eric.

The point of this picture is the watch. really. serious! fine laugh at me.

Final Emo Note for everybody: Thanks. Means alot to me. everything. Somehow used to think I don't really have my fav this and that, but you guys manage to squeeze things I like out for me to see. That ain't voodoo, but it definitely is magical friendship. R-E-S-T-E-C-P.


Anonymous said...

hey.. why wasn't i invited for that? see.. i said you could treat me better..

joonwin said...

i will treat you better. everything that is in my control, i will do. But when it is not, then i hope you can understand.

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